UNIVERSAL PEACE TRANSPARENCY - COMMUNICATION STYLE DISCLAIMER: This webspace is a deliberate strategy meant to provide a transparent way of sharing my process/world. The purpose of this communication strategy is to determine the best way of going about doing things, by making my process/world accessible to people who may be able to help. Everything here is highly experimental. SAFETY: These ideas can be very stimulating. Please do not let exploring these ideas come at the cost of complete destabilization in your world. Complete destabilization is dangerous and can easily turn destructive, which in general runs contrary to the mission to accelerate the advent of world peace. If you need to take a break, take a break. If you ever feel like you are losing stability, at risk for complete destabilization, please consider seeking out professional help immediately. The Universal Piece Computer, World Piece Computer = Blair Munro ... (a study in peace)

Time Machine For Peace.

a social invention project ... let's make better times

Peace is an improvement process, continuous and evolving; peace is not a result.

This is like an art exhibit. It is a particular kind of creative communication experience. To follow linearized exhibit process, I recommend exploring the menu sections from left to right.




Market Notes: 06/18/21

New bell installed. Ring for choose-your-own-adventure.

Brian / Maya, if you are reading this, you should stop by the booth for a picture with your UPC support tokens and I. It would help with the Kickstarter I am angling toward.

LOL…Bill couple tents down asked me if I was Bahai Faith.

Visitor interaction log (conversation chain):

(1130) Dylan from highschool! Teal paperclip. CYOA worked pretty well…started with hi, interest in rocks…explained 1-bit rock computer, on to extracting tech value and apply to productivity systems. Wished I would have worked in the commercial aspect. Failed to leave with brainfood question prompt. Dylan sparked a good concept linkage to the issue of ‘compatibility’ between people. I also had the opportunity to freestyle on the idea of using electronic computers to host a dynamic ontology of concepts that represent the way tw different worlds connect. Cued into social experiment aspect.

(1150) Sam, Maryland, (intellectual blue + emotional red = purple), says I should play on mental illness aspect more…my personal motivation. I agree…people contextualize an idea, without context, an idea is meaningless…on provenance.

‘What do you want to accomplish?’ ‘I want to change the way people think.’ …about technology, about peace,

got into talking incentives, and had good run describing how for peace to be viable, it needs to be incentivized in a way that out performs current incentivizing forces.

All preexisting stuff needs to be contextualized in terms of peace, and then we need to test the peace version in terms of how well it stands against the standard version.

Thesis, peace is profitable, and not only that, but peace can appeal to the people who strive for excess and living large lifestyles.

Peace is a strict prerequisite for existential problems.

(1220) Eric, copper, studio, decyphering.tv, heavy on time talk, I O, A O \in

Interested in having further conversations.

Good practice jumping between time and computer and peace stuff.

Jumped on AI vs ai…I got sidetracked in head before getting to actual intelligence algorithms talk.


New group drifted in, greeting felt dismissive, but introduced stuff as ‘cyoa, some grandiose, some practical…’

Need to be on the R&D aspect harder if I am going to take a dismissive approach.

Seemed cool…left after some time, props…’let me know if you have ideas!’ …they gave the ‘aight!’ blessing haha

Missed a conversation chain opportunity. I don’t like that.

(1400) Michelle and Kim…super stoked about the language aspect. We talked about AI translation, and how ai world linking by extracting useful knowledge from what works in AI technology to developing ai technology.

!! Michelle is one who just got it…

Also, on the topic of universal language, we talked about the computational intensive nature that generating an adaptive universal language would entail, and discussed how we need to use human brains instead of computers to avoid frying the planet.

orange and blue clips

Learning…(a ‘but’ moment) I can’t remember how the but went…dammit.

!! need to refine individual peace process ==> hat stickynotes take down interaction fine points…transfer to interaction log post interaction then clear hat cache. !!

(1420) Linda, blue,

First time talking about homeless camps…attempted to explain the idea of making electronic computers accessible by extracting valuable concepts to apply to general stuff on-hand in a person’s world.

Provided excellent validating feedback…I need to come up with more concise packaged ‘pieces’ that explain the thing so I don’t lose my audience’s attention. This is the purpose of the R&D booth, and experimental website design, and ultimately kickstarter…to learn and force myself to do this.

I was caught off guard by the ‘help wanted’ inquiry. Linda cued right in to asking if I have hit up homeless camps. I told her this is on my immediate radar, but I haven’t yet. I dialed way too far out and went straight to big picture long term prospects for peace industry stuff.

Learning – I need better words for how to address the social aspect. I think I am doing pretty ok with the economic and tech stuff, but the social aspect is important…especially how this could be used to implement local peace process…and then lead onto the economic stuff.

(1520) Emily & Jonvi, green and pink

On blueprints…extracting concepts from tech, science, math, make them more accessible, to maintain universal peace process, or link worlds together. Education…learning…how to link worlds with UP process, the process of linking worlds necessitates education an learning about each others worlds. My hat process failed because I was too distracted by the conversation to take my hat off until it was too late. –forgot a lot of key details.

On narrow minded people…led to lead-by-example, economic angle. (I think economic angle is the superangle, so far. The rest is transport.)

Left them with brainfood (what can I do to contextualize my world in terms of a peace process?) “How can we start now??” Is the question I want to leave an answer with people.

What is the minimum one would have to do to reap the benefits of universal peace in their world? I think it is simply thinking in terms of how to contextualize things in terms of universal peace.

How specifically would the contextualization work?

1 - Focus on what you love 2 - Focus on what your skills are / what you do {3 - Find a way to link these two things together in your day to day life}


Teal, ontology to chart compatibility and corresponding ‘blueprint’ that would result from a record of how worlds fit together… …thank you Dylan, I have been struggling to find a decent link between the ontology and the world-linking

Purple, being honest about my mental health struggles is very powerful… …thank you for helping me see this Sam

Create images of tmfp of old versions. Instead of trying to make an old site version transform into a new vision, just start from scratch and cache the old one at something like a1v1.timemachineforpeace.wp.computer. This will allow non-git people to view old site versions to see the process behind development, without getting bogged down by small change stuff, or having to learn a platform like github. Blair, you are saying “Make an internet archive.” Yup.


Help me stay focused while conversing.

Image of new booth layout, 061821.

Image of new booth layout, 061821.

To view all changes and edits on this website, visit github for now.

COPYRIGHT, Blair Scott Munro, and whoever contributes. This is a static site generated by HUGO, theme, Hugo-Tanaka.




Maybe the forest is only dark when intelligent life broadcasts nonmessages to the social cosmos...

Maybe the forest is lighter than we think...

Maybe...just maybe...

we come in peace