UNIVERSAL PEACE TRANSPARENCY - COMMUNICATION STYLE DISCLAIMER: This webspace is a deliberate strategy meant to provide a transparent way of sharing my process/world. The purpose of this communication strategy is to determine the best way of going about doing things, by making my process/world accessible to people who may be able to help. Everything here is highly experimental. SAFETY: These ideas can be very stimulating. Please do not let exploring these ideas come at the cost of complete destabilization in your world. Complete destabilization is dangerous and can easily turn destructive, which in general runs contrary to the mission to accelerate the advent of world peace. If you need to take a break, take a break. If you ever feel like you are losing stability, at risk for complete destabilization, please consider seeking out professional help immediately. The Universal Piece Computer, World Piece Computer = Blair Munro ... (a study in peace)

Time Machine For Peace.

a social invention project ... let's make better times

Peace is an improvement process, continuous and evolving; peace is not a result.

This is like an art exhibit. It is a particular kind of creative communication experience. To follow linearized exhibit process, I recommend exploring the menu sections from left to right.




Daily Log: 06/16/21


. REview conversation chain (1130) . JUmp on kickstarter to get in thinking zone . create dedicated space on tmfp.wp.computer for drafting kickstarter . post credentials on bmakusa.wp.computer . need to partition posts into separate log spaces, etc



Quick color review for conversation chain.

Need to start using online space in place of physical notebooks, at least for main working notes.


need to create market recaps later

Jumping back on Kickstarter to reaquaint with campaign process.


Adding kickstarter page to tmfp now.

struggling with menu bits…need to activate secondary menu for kickstarter page

first, fleeting action thought…move about topology picture to main page…actually, just moving to top of about page…bumping into html issue.


In weeds, aborting separate menu prospect for Kickstarter section . need to understand HUGO innards better. No time now . maybe after solving money problem, or after boradcasting help request . back to kickstarter writing / scheming

updating css…fonts too large. Nevermind, css file too busy..distracting..back to writing.

I do need to figure out how to just add an arbitrary html page to the site and then link to that. I think I need that stat, especially for organizational purposes.

Okay, solved it. Just need to add .md file to content, structure everythign in the content section.

Hack-around for secondary kickstarter menu: list of links at top of Kickstarter section. Implementign now.

Focusing on just dumping it all out. 00 - Kickstarter Pretext

Need to start committing more frequently so that the writing dumps changes have higher time resolution.


good writing dump to 00 - Kickstarter Pretext…need to dump visual aids now

Mountain break, for time, 160 pushups, 280 situps, 65 pullups.

On vice struggles, complete crash and burn.

Trying to convert resume into personal story…probably too much to tackle right now. Losing focus, need to get visual aids up and meaningful writing pieces from last weekend’s market session.


Reflected on 00 - Kickstarter Pretext…good dump, super red, need to revise.

outlined FAQ section…to start conversation.



Formalisms used in this log:

[origin timedate == hour.date]
<< log entry text here >>
[last edit timedata == hour.date]

To view all changes and edits on this website, visit github for now.

COPYRIGHT, Blair Scott Munro, and whoever contributes. This is a static site generated by HUGO, theme, Hugo-Tanaka.




Maybe the forest is only dark when intelligent life broadcasts nonmessages to the social cosmos...

Maybe the forest is lighter than we think...

Maybe...just maybe...

we come in peace