UNIVERSAL PEACE TRANSPARENCY - COMMUNICATION STYLE DISCLAIMER: This webspace is a deliberate strategy meant to provide a transparent way of sharing my process/world. The purpose of this communication strategy is to determine the best way of going about doing things, by making my process/world accessible to people who may be able to help. Everything here is highly experimental. SAFETY: These ideas can be very stimulating. Please do not let exploring these ideas come at the cost of complete destabilization in your world. Complete destabilization is dangerous and can easily turn destructive, which in general runs contrary to the mission to accelerate the advent of world peace. If you need to take a break, take a break. If you ever feel like you are losing stability, at risk for complete destabilization, please consider seeking out professional help immediately. The Universal Piece Computer, World Piece Computer = Blair Munro ... (a study in peace)

Time Machine For Peace.

a social invention project ... let's make better times

Peace is an improvement process, continuous and evolving; peace is not a result.

This is like an art exhibit. It is a particular kind of creative communication experience. To follow linearized exhibit process, I recommend exploring the menu sections from left to right.




07/23/21 - Project description video practice and process

These are videos of me practicing and figuring out how to make a Kickstarter project description video and structure content in a way that is true to my style, etc. I absolutely hate watching myself, but it must be done. I don’t have time right now to annotate all the self-criticisms and changes made since then, so I won’t. I recommend saving yourself time by watching on 2x speed.

To simplify things, the card computer is no longer a reward for supporting the kickstarter. This will probably be a separate kickstarter, spearheaded by somebody other than myself.

Lot’s of lies in these videos…healthy mindchanging.


This is the latest attempt at a script to outline the whole project.

The script does not include much ‘how’ and ‘what’.

. My treatment of the 2nd law of thermodynamics makes me cringe in horror inside. The treatment presented makes it sound like the 2nd law is defined in terms of violating energy conservation, which is strictly untrue.

Educational supplements

second law of thermodynamics, Khan Academy

Hard Problem of Consciousness overview, Serious Science, David Chalmers

Hard Problem of Consciousness overview, TED, David Chalmers


« TODO, proper content and presentation review »

Mountain studio session, 07/12 - 07/16/21.

The order is INTRO > MINIMUM > WHY > HOW > WHAT > OVERVIEW …ish

The objectibe is to fill in the conceptual holes, and reduce to a 10 min video.

INTRO … 07/16/21

. Dramatic and grandiose cringe is overwhelming.

. I absolutely detest my voice and tone in this one.

« TODO, proper content and presentation review »

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MINIMUM … 07/14/21

. My gesticulations look so contrived it makes me hurt worse inside.

. The actual intelligence bit is super confusing as to where it best fits into presentation. .. but is it really, that confusing? ..

« TODO, proper content and presentation review »

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WHY … 07/13/21

« TODO, proper content and presentation review »

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HOW … 07/16/21

. I meant ‘worthless’ or ‘value-less’, not ‘invaluable’. Or maybe I meant invaluable, meaning that the ‘pricelessness’ of your brain is actually bullshit…where I think that your brain can contribute right now to society in ways that will make you money, period.

. it is up for debate as to whether or not hater / troublemaker brains are the primary problem causers, or if those brains are symptoms of the actual problem causers, which might actually be brains who don’t know hate and have strictly good intentions.

. treatment of prison thinktank bit missed some key points to the idea .. basically, my point is that the people who cause problems are the experts in what led up to the problematic event. We need to include these people in the process of understanding problems and generating solutions.

. by interaction, I mean movement, or action. Actions speak larger than words, mainly because actions encode much much more information.

« TODO, proper content and presentation review »

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WHAT … 07/16/21

« TODO, proper content and presentation review »

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OVERVIEW … 07/16/21

« TODO, proper content and presentation review »

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expounding (rambling) on time … 07/12/21

. I keep getting time dilation backwards in my head during this video.


. No, I do not have the time to get to know you, but I desperately wish I did.

. I think I got the fractal bit all messed up…need to review Hammings bit on n-dimensional spheres…that was what inspired the fractal dimenions tangent here

To view all changes and edits on this website, visit github for now.

COPYRIGHT, Blair Scott Munro, and whoever contributes. This is a static site generated by HUGO, theme, Hugo-Tanaka.




Maybe the forest is only dark when intelligent life broadcasts nonmessages to the social cosmos...

Maybe the forest is lighter than we think...

Maybe...just maybe...

we come in peace