UNIVERSAL PEACE TRANSPARENCY - COMMUNICATION STYLE DISCLAIMER: This webspace is a deliberate strategy meant to provide a transparent way of sharing my process/world. The purpose of this communication strategy is to determine the best way of going about doing things, by making my process/world accessible to people who may be able to help. Everything here is highly experimental. SAFETY: These ideas can be very stimulating. Please do not let exploring these ideas come at the cost of complete destabilization in your world. Complete destabilization is dangerous and can easily turn destructive, which in general runs contrary to the mission to accelerate the advent of world peace. If you need to take a break, take a break. If you ever feel like you are losing stability, at risk for complete destabilization, please consider seeking out professional help immediately. The Universal Piece Computer, World Piece Computer = Blair Munro ... (a study in peace)

Time Machine For Peace.

a social invention project ... let's make better times

Peace is an improvement process, continuous and evolving; peace is not a result.

This is like an art exhibit. It is a particular kind of creative communication experience. To follow linearized exhibit process, I recommend exploring the menu sections from left to right.





My mission is to help accelerate the advent of world peace, by initializing a peace process called Universal Peace. By my economic thesis, world peace is going to happen, and its advent is only a matter of time.

So I’ve been inventing a time machine for peace (a general purpose stuff computer, called a world piece computer) to serve as a world peace accelerator. This is my lifework, and I have been motivated in this direction for as long as I can remember.

I recently determined it’s time to crowdsource the invention effort (which has largely been private over the years) by turning this into a social invention project. This is because by definition I cannot accomplish my mission alone, nor would I want to; I would rather do awesome stuff alongside other people. Until I can afford the time and gain access to the right Human brains to create an involvement plan, this is just me and the mice in my pocket.

In short, I have this monstrous sprawling vision in my head that I need to get out. So I need to put myself in a position where I can afford the time to do so, while maintaining physical, mental, and social health.

My problem is that there is a lot to this idea and I don’t know the best way to start making it real (to satisfy the mission, the idea literally needs to be able to accommodate everything, so that’s how I engineered it). After numerous frustrated attempts over the years to get this out of my head as pretty-packaged products, I finally concluded a couple months ago that the only way to proceed is just to put myself ‘out there’ (emerge from my shell by kicking myself into the deep end) and figure out the best way to proceed as I go. The way my brain works, I need to put myself in a position where I have active feedback from the people who are genuinely interested in the idea (my target audience), and the position needs to be such that I am forced to adapt the idea to the linguistic needs of my target audience in real time.


My struggles led me to fixate on the concept of peace at an early age. I ended up latching onto the idea of creating a peace system for myself and for other Humans like myself, so that we can break our cycles of inner war on our own terms.

My personal experience with inner war combined with my studies in physical war led me to believe that world peace is a strict prerequisite for solving our hardest (our existential) problems. I believe our existential problems and generalized war are not a chicken-egg situation. (This belief is due to the problems posed by generational traumas, and the effective irreversibility of time.) Right now, I think that in terms of striving for peace, we have a lot of room for improvement. This does not mean we are wrong in our efforts now per se, but I do believe it means we need to be more conscientious about leveling-up our peace game.

But for me, peace begins with the individual. I am inventing the time machine for peace, primarily for myself. I need better time (energy) for the things I need and want to do, to better manage all my world pieces and get to where I want to go, where ever I discover that is along my journey in life.

What I learned about myself is that if I turn off my personal world piece computer, or if it crashes, my world deteriorates rapidly and I soon experience intense inner war. If I leave my world piece computer offline for too long, my inner war tends to escape and spill into other people’s worlds. I think this is very bad, and wrong.

So this project is how I am taking peace in my personal world seriously. I discovered that my particular style of an inclusive, continuously evolving peace process requires me to devote myself wholly to this invention project. I do not yet know what the best way of supporting myself to pursue this work full time is, but I need to make this my career. I have countless commercial prospects and ideas for how to turn this project into a competitive global economic force, but I do not know where to begin. This is why I want to introduce myself to the Kickstarter community. I want to invent, produce, and distribute a bunch of awesome peace-stuff to facilitate universal peace with you.

So to recap, the idea is to kick off a social invention project to invent a ‘Time Machine For Peace’–a deliberate effort to systematically connect our worlds in iteratively better ways, to synchronize our limited time and different energies for the purpose of maintaining universal peace, by exploiting the infrastructure of ambient technology and Human brains. We want to create a system that empowers us to pilot our own social evolution. Once The Universal Peace Plan is instated, inventing the Time Machine For Peace will be a social effort that any Human can be a part of if they so choose.

The Universal Peace Computer empowers Humans to maintain universal peace (NOT to achieve ‘world peace’). Universal peace is an inclusive, continuously evolving process for connecting Human worlds together in iteratively better ways, to maximize the good and simultaneously minimize the bad. The Universal Peace Computer is basically a network of world piece computers, much like the internet is a network of electronic computers.

A big idea is to stop focusing so much on product as a species–to stop focusing on finding pretty-packaged solutions to solve our problems once and for all. The big idea is to admit ‘we don’t know what we are doing, and that’s okay, just so long as we are deliberate about the process for improving our evolution toward better more inclusive futures, deliberate about our process for becoming whatever we need to be in the moment, deliberate about our process for getting back to the good things we may have lost touch with.’ I think that inclusion and creation will always be more economically profitable than exclusion and destruction, for all worlds involved.

An art angle:

… older introduction excerpt from blairmunroakusa.wp.computer, date ~05/15/21

… my 6Ws excerpt from blairmunroakusa.wp.computer, date ~05/15/21

To view all changes and edits on this website, visit github for now.

COPYRIGHT, Blair Scott Munro, and whoever contributes. This is a static site generated by HUGO, theme, Hugo-Tanaka.




Maybe the forest is only dark when intelligent life broadcasts nonmessages to the social cosmos...

Maybe the forest is lighter than we think...

Maybe...just maybe...

we come in peace