UNIVERSAL PEACE TRANSPARENCY - COMMUNICATION STYLE DISCLAIMER: This webspace is a deliberate strategy meant to provide a transparent way of sharing my process/world. The purpose of this communication strategy is to determine the best way of going about doing things, by making my process/world accessible to people who may be able to help. Everything here is highly experimental. SAFETY: These ideas can be very stimulating. Please do not let exploring these ideas come at the cost of complete destabilization in your world. Complete destabilization is dangerous and can easily turn destructive, which in general runs contrary to the mission to accelerate the advent of world peace. If you need to take a break, take a break. If you ever feel like you are losing stability, at risk for complete destabilization, please consider seeking out professional help immediately. The Universal Piece Computer, World Piece Computer = Blair Munro ... (a study in peace)

Time Machine For Peace.

a social invention project ... let's make better times

Peace is an improvement process, continuous and evolving; peace is not a result.

This is like an art exhibit. It is a particular kind of creative communication experience. To follow linearized exhibit process, I recommend exploring the menu sections from left to right.




06/20/21 - Project Description

Hi! I’m Blair.

I’d like to introduce myself:

I’m approaching the Kickstarter community because I am looking for help getting on my feet, and I want to establish a lasting relationship within the communities that I am most interested in working with. To prepare for this kickstarter, I set up a market research and development booth for the summer at my local weekend market up here in Anchorage, Alaska, where I call home. I am a conceptual peace artist, a theoretical peace physicist, and a peace systems engineer. I have a degree in electrical engineering.

Some of my credentials may be viewed here.

I’m inventing a time machine for peace (a new kind of computer). I need to turn this project, which has largely been private over the years, into a social invention project. This is because there is no way I can do this alone, and I would rather do awesome things with people. For now though, this is me and the mice in my pocket.

Over the course of ten years, formative conversations with hundreds of people are responsible for the current state of the project. If you have had a genuine conversation or exchange with me, chances are that you contributed in some way to this project. Thank you.


The big idea is to kick off a social invention project to invent a ’time machine’–a deliberate effort to systematically make better times–an effort that every Human can be a part of if they so choose.

Okay, first a quick rundown. Here is how the time machine for peace works:

~ Locally (at the level of an individual Human world)

The time machine is called a world piece computer. By definition, there is one world piece computer per individual Human world, or Human operator. Also by definition, a world piece computer requires the Human operator’s brain to function properly. The brain is the most important component.

A world piece computer empowers its operator to more effectively process and manage all their world pieces (people, stuff, memories, ideas, thoughts, etc), in a more methodical and systematic (computational) way. The way a world piece computer achieves this is by actively contextualizing all an operator’s life-stuff in terms of peace as an inclusive, continuously evolving process–not a result. The peace process manages world pieces to maximize the good, and simultaneously minimize the bad.

Ultimately, a world piece computer is a time machine because its function is to help the operator more easily travel the timespace that forms their subjective experience. In practical time travel terms, a world piece computer helps the operator travel to better future, adopt different mindsets as needed in the moment, and get back to things that were once lost.

For now, I’d think of timespace as the space of Human experience.

~ Globally (at the level of interconnected Human worlds)

The time machine is called The Universal Peace Computer. By definition, there is only one Universal Peace Computer. Also by definition, The Universal Peace Computer is fundamentally a network of Human brains.

The Universal Peace Computer empowers Humans to maintain universal peace (NOT to achieve ‘world peace’). Universal peace is an inclusive, continuously evolving process of connecting Human worlds together in iteratively better ways, to maximize the good and simultaneously minimize the bad. The Universal Peace Computer is basically a network of world piece computers, much like the internet is a network of electronic computers.

The big idea is to stop focusing so much on product as a species–to stop focusing on finding pretty-packaged solutions to solve our problems once and for all. The big idea is to admit ‘we don’t know what we are doing, and that’s okay, just so long as we are deliberate about the process for improving our evolution toward better more inclusive futures, deliberate about our process for becoming whatever we need to be in the moment, deliberate about our process for getting back to the good things we may have lost touch with.’ I think that inclusion and creation will always be more economically profitable than exclusion and destruction, for all worlds involved.

~ Why?

This project is personal; I am unwell. I have been so for a very long time.

I have struggled with mental illness since an early age, but due to fear and denial I have long kept the extent of this severity private. My struggles led me to fixate on the concept of peace at a very early age. I ended up latching onto the idea of creating a peace system for myself and for other Humans like myself, so that we can break our cycles of inner war, on our terms.

So in my terms, I am trying to make myself better, not cured.

?…not sure about this paragraph:

Because of my extensive personal experience with inner war, combined with my studies in physical war, I now believe that peace is a strict prerequisite for solving our hardest (our existential) problems. From my perspective, whatever existential Human cause you hold dear, you are not taking it seriously as you could if you do not contextualize your cause in terms of an inclusive, continuously-evolving peace process. I suggest that we need to take general peace more seriously. I believe our existential problems and generalized war are not a chicken-egg situation. (This belief is due to the problem of generational traumas.) Right now, I think that in terms of striving for peace, we have a lot of room for improvement. This does not mean we are wrong in how we do things now per se, but I believe it does mean we need to be more conscientious about leveling-up our peace game. Period.

But for me peace begins with the individual. I am inventing the time machine for peace, for myself. I need better time (energy) for the things I need and want to do, to better manage all my world pieces and get to where I want to go, where ever I discover that is along my journey in life. What I have learned about myself is that if I turn off my world piece computer, or if it crashes, my world deteriorates rapidly, and I soon experience intense inner war. If I leave my world piece computer offline for too long, my inner war escapes and spills into other people’s worlds. I think this is very bad and wrong.

~ So what?

So this project is how I am taking peace in my personal world seriously. I discovered that my particular form of an inclusive, continuously evolving peace process requires me to devote myself wholly to this invention project. I do not yet know what the best way of supporting myself to pursue this work full time is, but I need to make this my career. I have countless commercial prospects and ideas for how to turn this project into a competitive global economic force, but I do not know where to begin. This is why I want to introduce myself to the Kickstarter community. I want to invent and distribute a bunch of awesome peace-stuff with all you all.

Eventually, I hope to consolidate my experience with others and export a fuzzy blueprint–a fuzzy template–for how other people and communities might transition toward careers and projects devoted to inventing a time machine for peace, but on their own terms, in their own way.

~ Endgame

My working thesis is that if enough people start thinking in terms of universal peace in their individual and community head-spaces, this will be enough to cause a series of explosive percolation events toward a global conversation about universal peace.

( Explosive percolation is not viral growth. By deliberately biasing the way we form world piece computer networks to favor local connectivity over global connectivity, we stand to induce a stepwise progression of explosive percolation, ultimately resulting in a singular universal peace process. At first however, The Universal Peace Computer will have a fragmented universal peace process, with a fragment corresponding to some community or region. )

Although viral growth for some aspects of this project will be unavoidable, I believe that active anticipation of such growth is enough to in our local conversations to mitigate the risks of perversion and distortion by group mind mentalities.


Kickstarter Objectives:

1 - Raise money to work on this project full time for at least one year.

This will buy me the time I need to stay physically, and socially healthy (thus mentally), while still committing 60-80 hours per week toward figuring out the best way to orchestrate the time machine for peace social invention project, to eventually distribute the work load to free up my time for the higher-level theoretical work that interests me.

2 - Figure out the best way to network with like-minded people (people operating on my frequency) who are qualified to help.

My specialty is generalism. This means I am bad at doing specific things (usually just good enough to get myself into trouble), but good at integrating expertise. Generalists need help from specialists, and other generalists.

3 - Refine these ideas in real time, with active feedback from the Kickstarter community.

I debug in production.

4 - Start a serious (active and deliberate) conversation about universal peace within the Kickstarter community headspace.

In our individual worlds and our local communities, how can we consciously and actively frame what we do in terms of peace as an inclusive, continuously evolving process?

5 - Inspire people to get excited–yet realistic–about peace.

This project makes me excited to get out of bed in the morning. Regardless of this Kickstarter’s success, if I can have that effect on somebody else, I have met personal success.



(includes personal expenses, and costs of personal invention efforts at the moment)

personal overhead (utilities, transportation, housing, food, insurance, entertainment) == $3,000/month

project overhead (storage for materials, cost of services and subscriptions, miscellaneous supplies, tinker money) Work space not included… I wish to maintain a distributed community workspace for this project, provided by space-contributions. == $1,000/month

nest egg for taxes and the unexpected (vehicle break-down, insurance deductible) == $12,000

cost of support tokens (button pins) and fulfillment == $5,000 {? need to figure this out}

Campaign funding objective:


Any funds secured in excess of funding objective will be reserved in savings to pay for future years’ work.

I intend to place all funds in a transparent Open Collective account.


How this campaign will work moving forward:

I will give myself the entire two-month span for this campaign. I will use the time and feedback from my market booth and Kickstarter to produce content as the campaign progresses. For now, I have a mind dump in the resources section, that will act as a starting point for conversation and process evolution.

For now, I need to be extremely parsimonious with my time and energy. Although I prefer to put people first, I cannot put everybody first. As the project evolves, we will determine safe ways to begin integrating interested people into the project.

I will also dedicate a subdomain (maybe several) to placeholders for Kickstarter ideas that are


You can find my credentials and some personal context to help clarify things at the links below.

To be transparent about what I am trying to convey (my peace process as a prototype or template), I propped up these (messy) web spaces to draft ideas and experiment with communication / presentation styles and approaches:



The timemachineforpeace subdomain in the world piece dot computer domain space will be the primary place I post updates and expounding content. It will probably always be messy though, but I plan to partition the subdomain space into refined and crude versions of the site.

CAUTION! Although the content in these subdomains is tempered, limited, and incomplete (probably just 10% of the iceberg) they are still direct glimpses into my headspace. This can be a little much for some people I have learned. However, in my world the ends justify the means of this tricky approach.


Thank you for devoting your precious time and energy to reading this project description for comprehension.

If you have made it this far, then regardless of your impression, by virtue of your interest you are probably my target audience and I would appreciate your support. I want to ensure that this project is as democratic as safely possible, so I welcome all dissenting perspectives to be a part of the universal peace process. I look forward to your potential contributions to this social invention project in the future!

I sincerely hope your universal peace process runs smoothly, Blair Munro


Frequently Asked Questions:

This space is reserved for questions posed

~ What will happen when this project is distorted and perverted like any other well-to-do Human endeavor?

The universal peace process will evolve after learning from the experience.

~ What will you do if you fail?

According to my personal universal peace process, I will learn from my experience and try a different angle.

~ What about art?

The long term success of this project will depend on technologists and artists joining forces. For high-level communication, I believe art is the only effective vehicle. Even with neuralink, we will still need art to frame our complex ideas/feelings effectively. Personally, I believe art is the highest level of Human communication. In my world, everything is an art, including living itself.

~ Won’t this project be exploited by evil to do horrible things?

That will certainly be attempted, and probably done on occasion. The role of universal peace as a concept isn’t to be a moral code though. It is up to the individuals involved in a particular aspect of the project to actively communicate about specific exploitation risks in their domain, and prepare accordingly. It is also up to the individuals involved to anticipate and have a fuzzy plan to meet the unknowable. If something bad happens, universal peace won’t stop, because it is a continuously evolving process. If the process does not evolve in a way that learns from an atrocious event, then the process is locally broken and needs to be fixed.

~ What about the AI singularity?

Whether or not the AGI singularity happens via electronic computers (quantum or traditional) I think is moot. I think the safe (conservative) approach is to expect it to happen, and be prepared to educate the AGI. The Universal Peace Computer would place us in a position to do this, because the analog to Artificial Intelligence is actual intelligence, which consists of Human brains.

~ Are you on drugs?

Sometimes. I engage in periods where I consume THC, and this helps me make creative associations and vibe harder to my favorite music. I cannot sustain use however, because this makes my delusions unmanageable. At the moment, I am not consuming much THC at all. If, for the purpose of sponsorship or funding you would request I relinquish my right to privacy and submit to a drug test, I will happily do so for $130,000 ($30,000 toward taxes, the rest for some pocket change). It would be easier for all parties if you just have a candid conversation with me about this stuff instead.




This list is long, but I plan to add more question-anwsers as people ask. I will prioritize questions that emphasize the Human element of placing people first, and safety.

To view all changes and edits on this website, visit github for now.

COPYRIGHT, Blair Scott Munro, and whoever contributes. This is a static site generated by HUGO, theme, Hugo-Tanaka.




Maybe the forest is only dark when intelligent life broadcasts nonmessages to the social cosmos...

Maybe the forest is lighter than we think...

Maybe...just maybe...

we come in peace