This is a very deep and common question.
I will dump common variants for now, hardest to easiest, organize later.
Why, Blair?
00, because ~ Well, why not. I suppose it’s because I can. To me sparking off Universal Peace seems like something worth trying.
01, compulsion ~ Truthfully though, this is a primal compulsion. I cannot escape this drive inside me. I have tried to change this aspect of my being with medicine, drugs, alcohol, escapism, etc. I have tried in the most extreme of ways to force myself to not be this. I have tried to forcibly suppress this compulsion. Every time I deny this compulsion, my inside becomes war. Inner war is ..very bad for me and other people. I noticed that over the years, my inner cycle of war was ecalating. Accepting myself for what I am and relenting to my compulsion is the only way I know how to break the cycle of inner war. This is happening. Besides, I am happier when I am honest about who I am. I used to do this strictly in private. Now I would rather invent a way to do it around people. I am in pursuit of happiness, health, and prosperity.
02, learning ~ I am a lifelong learner. I am studying the universe. I am investing in my next education. I have never done anything like this before. I need to put myself in a position were I can learn deeper lessons about the surrounding universe. I need to put myself in a position to learn from the living Human influences that made me who I am. I need to compare the image I hold of them against their object. This is ultimately to learn more about myself. Understanding how Humans work is probably my primary learning objective. I also have a collection of high-level theses, questions, and hypotheses about the universe that I need to test and explore before I die. This is part of my compulsion. The pursuit of a higher level of understanding things gets me out of bed in the morning.
03, free-time ~ I need to solve the time|energy problem for myself. I just want a computational system that makes it reliably easy for me to have more time to do recreational stuff, on top of work-work. Listen to podcasts, dilly-dally on this-that, read books, tinker with time physics, play music, dance, all that stuff.
04, my people ~ I