UNIVERSAL PEACE TRANSPARENCY - COMMUNICATION STYLE DISCLAIMER: This webspace is a deliberate strategy meant to provide a transparent way of sharing my process/world. The purpose of this communication strategy is to determine the best way of going about doing things, by making my process/world accessible to people who may be able to help. Everything here is highly experimental. SAFETY: These ideas can be very stimulating. Please do not let exploring these ideas come at the cost of complete destabilization in your world. Complete destabilization is dangerous and can easily turn destructive, which in general runs contrary to the mission to accelerate the advent of world peace. If you need to take a break, take a break. If you ever feel like you are losing stability, at risk for complete destabilization, please consider seeking out professional help immediately. The Universal Piece Computer, World Piece Computer = Blair Munro ... (a study in peace)

Time Machine For Peace.

a social invention project ... let's make better times

Peace is an improvement process, continuous and evolving; peace is not a result.

This is like an art exhibit. It is a particular kind of creative communication experience. To follow linearized exhibit process, I recommend exploring the menu sections from left to right.




About the Time Machine For Peace (a social invention project)

This is a site to chronicle (and eventually coordinate) the Time Machine For Peace social invention project.

Please visit Github to view site change history.

My target update frequency is daily.

This is a diagram expressing topological gestalt. Definition of symbols are below written piece.


I operate on a different frequency. I am the producer right now. Until that changes for this project, expect constant changes everywhere, but consistently inconsistently. I am fickle, with sensitivity to initial conditions (my inner world trajectory is a multi-body problem); besides my unpredictability, I am unpredictable; I am chaotic. How this manifests itself is that I am constantly experimenting with ideas, I move extremely quickly, and my time is so precious to me that I refuse to afford time to explain my every move unless that explanation justifies the time spent explaining. I am always tinkering with new ways of doing things, so please do not be surprised if say one thing, but end up not following through with that thing. --chances are I found a better way to thing that thing. Thankfully, I solved the multi-body problem...in my world at least.

To contradict myself, a singular consistency that will not waiver is my devotion to this project (realizing this vision in my head that has been painfully resolving for over a decade now). This consistency is the highly nonlinear concept map in my head that I use for general communication. To be honest, I place this project above everything else, because in my world, everything else depends on this project.

If I am trying to sell anything, it is not my product, it is my process. Thank you for your patience while I figure things out as I go.

CTA: To better illustrate process, I need to find someone willing to invent a switch or a dial that goes after every text entry within the wp.computer domain. When 'on', or twiddled, the switch function displays differences from old commits, in a fading gray scale, black being current, lighest gray being original, or something like this. The idea is to make the power of git change-logging more accessible to people who do not have the will/ability to learn how to use a platform like github.

For now…

…this site is a space chronicling my process and experience running the Alaska, Anchorage Market ‘Time Machine For Peace!’ booth, and my process underlying how I am going about attempting to get this project off the ground. This will be the primary communication vehicle for getting the point across, and getting this project off the ground, up and running.

Right now my primary distraction (frustration) is to figure out the best way to support myself, so that I can devote my undivided attention to the project. My problems has been that in the past, the standard fulltime-job approach would only leave me enough freetime to devote one additional job’s worth of time to this project. I would neglect social life, because serious study has been more important to me if forced to choose. But this makes me bad-crazy. It drives me to inner war. I will not do that anymore. I am devoting myself wholly to this for a change. The money problem is too distracting. My objective is to solve it by the end of the summer, worst case.

To achieve this objecetive is to free up my time to get to the real important objective: planting brain-seeds (peace nuts), by having conversations with people for the purpose of highly distributed broadcast communication, to get the idea across, so that we can have a global conversation about peace. The strategy is to take this nonlinear concept map in my head, and collect all the different linear versions of expression it takes on for all the different people I talk to, and then identify themes and common versions that work. After doing so, the idea is to integrate those themes into a generalized linear version for widescale dissemination. (a book or a movie, or whatever)

So the booth is basically a Research and Development lab. All of the content platforms you might find me on will always be research and development labs. (My identity is a research and development lab. Every interaction I have with people is a research and development lab.) I recently quit my dayjob and spent almost all of my personal savings to kick myself into the deep end, put myself out there, and invest in serious research and development / market research. The investment is meant to put me in a position where I can share the monsterous idea in my head with all sorts of different people, to attain valuable wisdom and feedback I need to make the best-informed decisions possible for how to steer this project into the future. You will be the navigational experts guiding this time machine. I am just the captain.

So come travel timespace with me! Let’s travel to better future, or improve the present, or get back to good things we may have lost touch with. …together, but as a group of diverse individuals all inventing creative ways to communicate better with one another…not as some group mob-mind.

My personal page has a lot of critical content explaining things also, like going deeper with experimental theory and conceptual underpinnings (the stuff I am personally passionate about…and also the stuff I believe is fundamental to making a social invention project like this actually work, and not become distored and perverted over time. Otherwise, this site is a good place to call homebase if you are interested in the idea of universal peace as an invention project, inventing a process for linking our multitude of unique worlds together in better ways, so that we can all reap more profit that we otherwise would without peace as a universal process. (Creation and inclusion will always be more profitable than destruction and exclusion. I believe this.)

I am still figuring out what should go where, so I’d check both sites for now for a complete picture.

I plan to use this blog as an origin, a central point to originate promotional activities for this project. Next stop, Kickstarter. I need to solve the money and promotions problem quicklike.

This domain space is meant to be the communal space in cyber-world to experiment with a new way of going about doing social media.

-Blair, 061221

Some symbols to make communication easier:

Symbol for 'The Universal Peace Computer' (time machine (or trademark))

Symbol for 'world piece computer' (time machine (or trademark))

Symbol for 'world piece' (or peace, if referring to the ideal) (time machine (or trademark))

CTA: I need help registering these trademarks. This will be important for protection. We want to avoid a Pepe the Frog situation, to help protect the project from being distorted and perverted into a symbol of hate.

Contact me to collaborate/contribute. Thank you.

Propose site changes and edits using github. If you don’t know how to use github, it might be a fun and valuable resume-builder to teach yourself how!

And some warmup booth pictures:

Welcome. A prototype peacespace, or world peace lab.

Words. Fresh annotations coming soon.

To view all changes and edits on this website, visit github for now.

COPYRIGHT, Blair Scott Munro, and whoever contributes. This is a static site generated by HUGO, theme, Hugo-Tanaka.




Maybe the forest is only dark when intelligent life broadcasts nonmessages to the social cosmos...

Maybe the forest is lighter than we think...

Maybe...just maybe...

we come in peace